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Get product prices on offers from eBay™, Amazon™ and thousands of online stores with just one search query.

Pricepirates allows you to search multiple platforms (e.g. eBay™ and Amazon™) for product prices with a single query and to keep track of interesting offers on a separate watchlist.

Feature List:
* price comparison at Amazon™, eBay™ etc.
* multiple countries: UK, United States, Germany, Austria, Switzerland
* clearly structured results list provides information on price, shipping, availability and product images
* daily updated prices
* watchlist to keep track of interesting offers
* clean and clear user interface
* multilingual (English and German)

As a participant in the Amazon™ and eBay™ partner programs, metaspinner net GmbH earns from qualified sales.

Questions, suggestions, problems? Feel free to contact us at [email protected].